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Red fox in outdoor setting
Lifesize spike buck in natural woodland setting
Piebald whitetail in an action pose with woodland habitat
Nice Coyote displayed on rock ledge for the wall
Sitting Red Fox on Autumn Base
Red Fox on Limb Wall Mount
Red Fox on Stump Base
Custom mount on elk antler chasing chipmunk
table top mount
Virginia Red Fox in a free standing pose
Table top artificial limb and red fox
Coyote on rock ledge
Table top mount
Black Bear on rock and wood base
Black Bear lounging on limb
Pennsylvania black bear on oak base
Maine black bear on walnut base
Half body Black Bear on Rock and Limb base
Colorado Mountain Lion on walnut pedestal
28lb Virginia Bobcat S Littleton
Custom walnut base
Bobcat lying on Limb
Bobcat on limb and rock base
Alaskan Lynx on snow base
Piebald deer leaping across wall
Texas whitetail 1/2 body Artificial stone and fence post on walnut base