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custom cast 38" Redtail catfish
Reproduction smallmouth bass in a darker bronze river coloration
Skin mount Crappie hand craved body
Skin mount of a brown trout caught in central maryland
Largemouth Bass Reproduction chasing crayfish
Reproduction of Largemouth Bass engulfing a crayfish
5 foot hammerhead shark reproduction
Largemouth Bass skin mount leaping out of water
Crappie Skin mount on texas cedar driftwood
Wyoming Rainbow Trout with scar on back
close up of scale detail work
Early Spawn Coho Salmon
Late Spawn Coho Salmon
Alaskan Rainbow Trout on cedar driftwood
Crappie reproduction
Striped Bass Reprodution
Skin mount crappie
48" mahi mahi
Skin mount Rainbow on river rock base
12 lb 3 oz Rainbow trout S. Golden
Crappie with custom underwater panel
47" Reproduction Stripe Bass S. Miller
Largemouth Bass Reproduction
20" Smallmouth Reproduction