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Flying Wood Duck drake on texas cedar

Chesapeake Bay Old Squaw hen on texas cedar

Surf Scoter diving for mussels

Mallard pitching in on ghost hanger

Scaup pitching in at 45 degree pose

Surface Scoter diving for blue mussels

Ringneck Duck on Texas Cedar Driftwood

Mallard on Metal Reeds with Artificial Water

Single leg pose on driftwood and snow

Gobbling turkey on cherry base and habitat

Oak panel with laser engraved strutting bird

Semi Strutt turkey on walnut base

Strutting turkey on box call

Turkey gobbling on roost limb

B Chaney Wyoming turkey

20lb 10" beard Frederick Co, Maryland bird

Hanging dead mount with wagon wheel

Turkey tail with wings on laser engraved panel

turkey cape with barnwood panel

Standing Starling mount J Spence

Northern shoveler zipping across decoys

Banking Canada Goose

J Swart

American merganser flying wall mount

Redhead drake on texas cedar

Wood duck hen on artificial knot hole

Standing wood duck on texas cedar

Wall Mount Mallard Duck